Why Do Mosquitoes Bites Know Why Does The Skin Swell When They Bite

Why Do Mosquitoes Bites Know Why Does The Skin Swell When They Bite

Why Do Mosquito Bites: Winter is not over yet and mosquitoes have started to appear. As the summer season approaches, along with the number of mosquitoes, their terror also increases. Somewhere if you stand or sit for a while, mosquitoes start biting immediately. In summer, most people are troubled by mosquitoes. It is itchy when they bite.

By the way, apart from itching on mosquito bites, there is another problem and that is swelling of the skin around the mosquito bite. Have you ever wondered why this happens when a mosquito bites? Mosquitoes drink human blood. Nutrients present in human blood help female mosquitoes to make eggs necessary for reproduction. Significantly, only female mosquitoes bite humans.

So that’s why the skin swells

When we go to a place with mosquitoes, we come to know that there are mosquitoes here. When mosquitoes bite, the immune system gets activated to protect us. For this reason, our skin swells at the bite site. Actually, skin works to protect our body from any external danger like bacteria, virus etc. When a mosquito bites us, our immune system breaks down the skin. When a mosquito bites its saliva reaches our body, the body recognizes it as a foreign substance. Our body is harmed by external substances, so immediately our immune system becomes active.

what does histamine do

According to experts, when a mosquito bites us, the immune system sends a special type of chemical histamine at the site of the bite. This chemical helps in protecting our body. Histamine increases blood flow and white blood cells at the site of the mosquito bite. For this reason, itching occurs on that part and our skin swells. Significantly, white blood cells help the body fight against any pathogens, microbes and foreign substances.

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